What are anal disorders and how they can be prevented? | Basir Eye Center
What are anal disorders and how they can be prevented?
December 24, 2018

What are anal disorders and how they can be prevented?

The anus is part of the human’s intestine that passes through a pelvic cavity in hips and spinal sphincter. In fact, it is a hole in the lowest area of body through which the stool is repelled. In adults, the anus is 4 to 5 centimeters. The lower half of its canal has sensitive nerves and blood vessels underneath its surface tissue, as well as several anal glands that are in the middle of this area. Anal disorders are one of the most common complications among people that by simple observation can be easily prevented.

What are anal disorders and how they can be prevented

Four different types of anal disorders :

Anal Fissure

This  anal disorder is basically a deformed gap or a small tear in the lining of the anus. Most of the cases occur when a large and hard stool is removed from the body so that it can damage the subtle anoderm. In other cases, the anal fissure occurs due to prolonged diarrhea, inflammatory bowel diseases or other sexually transmitted diseases. The anal fissure is usually shallow, but in chronic cases (prolonged) it may extend deeper through the anoderm and penetrate to the deeper muscles.

Anal abscess

This anal disorder is a painful swollen that appear in the anus. In most of the cases, the anal abscess is not related to other health problems and they arise spontaneously. They form from a small anal gland that by spreading, it can cause infection under the skin. Usually more than half of the anal abscess cases occur in adults between ages of 20 to 40 and it is more frequent among men rather than women.

Anal fistula

This anal disorder is basically a narrow and abnormal tunnel that is formed due to remnants of an old anal abscess after it has been drained. A fistula is attached to skin’s surface as well as the anus’s canal. An anal fistula may develop after draining an anal abscess. Occasionally, the fistula opening on the surface of the skin, discharge blood or purulent fluid, permanently .In some cases, the fistula may temporarily be closed and cause old abscesses to grow once more as painful masses of pus.


Hemorrhoids do not cause pain to the patient in normal cases unless it progresses. Hemorrhoids should be treated with advanced methods if thrombosis occurs. When thrombosis occurs, external hemorrhoids become swollen, hard and painful and sometimes it drains blood. Hemorrhoids may be caused due to constipation or diarrhea.

Prevention and treatment

A doctor should be able to diagnose the four anal disorders that we have mentioned above. Treatment may include the use of topical ointments, antibiotics, laser therapy or surgeries. If surgery is needed, your doctor may use any kind of proper anesthesia to prevent pain in this highly sensitive area.

One can use methods below for treating hemorrhoids, fissures, abscesses and fistula in their early stages:

  • By preventing constipation, you also will be able to prevent anal disorders. To do so, you can smooth your stool gradually by adding a lot of fiber to your daily diet and drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. The fiber-rich complementary powders can also be beneficial in this case.
  • Use gentle techniques to clean your anus
  • Use clean, loose and cotton underwear
  • Take advantage of hot water baths for 15 minutes every two days


Anus is a part at the end of the digestive system and is a hole for repelling body’s waste products. Anal disorders, such as hemorrhoids, fistulas, abscesses and anal fissures can potentially lead one’s life to complicatted disorders. Some of the symptoms are mild in the begining and can be treated easily but in  the case of progress they can become painful. Having a healthy diet is the key to prevent these typs of complications.




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